Reviews of very rare and unusual diseases are discouraged; subject matter should be sufficiently broad to have instructional and practical value for readers. Reviewers should note if authors have respected the format and restrictions of this category as stated in the Information for Authors. As part of its ongoing development, the International Journal of Humanities and Social Development Research is currently expanding its network of specialized reviewers. Reviewers should assess the importance of the subject matter, need for the review and probable interest to readers. If accepted as a reviewer, we will add you to our database and send you a copy of our reviewer guidelines. In your email please do advise on the specific subject and geographical areas for which you would be willing to review articles.
Blind Peer Review
IJHSDR uses double blind peer review, meaning that the identities of both reviewers and authors remain anonymous to each other.
Manuscripts Sent for Peer-Review
· Original Articles will typically be sent to at least 2 peer reviewers.
· Commentaries and Viewpoints will be sent to at least 1 peer reviewer.
Becoming a Peer Reviewer
To volunteer to be a peer reviewer, please send your resume/CV to our Editorial Office at ijhsdr@gmail.com.
Instructions to Reviewer
Criteria for Reviewing: Reviewers could judge any manuscript on the basis of following criteria;
Format of the Article: Any major divergence from the standard manuscript format should be indicated.
Technical Presentation: The research article should be technically presented instead of being presented as a story. Mere repetition of past work should not be accepted. You can look for conceptual advancement over previously published work. Any major omission of the previously published findings on the similar problem must be checked.
Interpretation of Result: The discussion should hover around the result and should not include irrelevant and unachievable statement.
Statistical Presentation: Proper statistics should be applied over the data wherever found necessary.
Plagiarism of Data: Data showing any type of suspicion, duplication and manipulation must be brought to the notice of the author(s).
Summary: Pin point the strength and weakness of the article considering potential importance of the work in the context of present and future.
Conclusion: At the end reviewer(s) can recommend necessary corrections needed to accept the paper, if they are actually required, else recommend it for publication. If found unsuitable the paper should be declared as unacceptable for publication.
The Paper Review Form should be sent via e-mail to: ijhsdr@gmail.com
Review Process
IJHSDR is peer-review journal having editorial board of qualified members. Members of the Editorial Board, or qualified reviewers and editor review the manuscripts. The reviewers identities remain anonymous to the authors. Journal attempts to convey the reviewer’s comments about the manuscripts to the authors within three weeks. Accepted pending revision manuscripts will be re-reviewed by the Editorial Board. IJHSDR attempts to publish the manuscripts within 4 months after submission.
Proofs and Reprints
E-mail attachment as electronic proof will be sent to the corresponding author as a PDF file. The final version of the manuscripts will be considered the page proofs. No changes will be made in the manuscript at the proof stage except clerical or typographical errors. Authors will have electronic access to the full text (PDF) of the article and can download the PDF file from which they can print unlimited copies of their articles.
Fair play
The Editor-in-Chief and the reviewers evaluate manuscripts for their intellectual content without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy of the authors.
The Editor-in-Chief, the members of the Editorial Board, and any editorial staff must not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the authors of the manuscript, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers, and the publisher, as appropriate.
Timeliness of Reviews
We generally ask that reviewers submit their comments within 3 weeks of accepting the reviewer invitation. If you foresee needing more time, please contact the Editorial Office at ijhsdr@gmail.com.
Feedback from Reviewers to Editorial Office
We welcome feedback from our reviewers, either on a particular manuscript, a decision made on a manuscript, or the peer review process. Please send emails to:ijhsdr@gmail.com
Journal Name: International Journal of Humanities and Social Development Research (IJHSDR)
Abbr. Title: Int.J.Hum.Soc.Dev. Res.
ISSN(Print): 2521-1439
ISSN(Online): 2523-4331
Frequency: Biannual
Language: English
Editor-in-Chief: Dr.Khayala Mammadova
Publisher: Trade Unions Republican Committee of Azerbaijan Water Economy Workers